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Empowering Super Moms, Sparking Imagination


For Storeka, a brand built by super moms for super moms, we set out to create a digital space that embodies their mission of joy, empowerment, and community. This Shopify store goes beyond showcasing their premium-quality children's products – it empowers parents to create a world of wonder for their little adventurers.

Building a Hub for Super Moms:

clear product information, finding the perfect customized organizer, backpack, or bedding set is a breeze. Storeka's commitment to functionality shines through, making it easy for super moms to streamline their shopping experience.

A Celebration of Childhood:

Understanding the power of imagination in a child's world, we designed the store to be visually engaging and inspiring. High-quality product images and playful design elements bring Storeka's delightful products to life, sparking excitement for both parents and children.

Empowering Through Community:

Storeka is more than just a brand; it's a movement. We embedded elements throughout the store that highlight their commitment to empowering women. By showcasing the impact of each purchase, customers can feel a sense of purpose in supporting Storeka's mission of fostering financial independence for over 25 women from lower economic backgrounds

A Platform for Growth:

This Shopify store lays the foundation for Storeka's continued growth. The platform is scalable and easy to manage, allowing them to effortlessly add new products and features as their brand expands.

More Than Just a Store, a Partnership:

Our collaboration wasn't just about building an e-commerce platform; it was about amplifying Storeka's message of empowerment. Together, we've created a digital space that celebrates super moms, fuels children's imaginations, and fosters a thriving community built on purpose.

Project Info -

Visit Website

Frontend Tech

Shopify, Figma

Backend Tech


Project Duration

1.5 months

Client Feedback


Mobile vs Desktop Users


Tools Used

Figma, Adobe IIustrator, Canva



Our purpose for the Storeka project was to design a Shopify store that not only showcases their delightful children's products but also empowers them to connect with their core audience of super moms. This platform fosters a space that celebrates childhood wonder, champions female empowerment, and strengthens their community built around shared purpose.


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